Lab News


September 2022: New lab member!

Postdoctoral researcher, Thuong Nguyen PhD, has joined the lab! Thuong will be studying model interpretability and it’s applications for machine learning methods in our lab. Welcome Thuong!


August 2022: New Publication!

Paul’s paper has been published in Cancer Research!


May 2022: Endings and Beginnings!

Undergraduate student Averi Perny (UT Dallas) presented her work in the Green Fellows Program at the final poster session! She has also decided to stay on with the lab and continue her work through the summer.


February 2022: New funding!

Great news! We have received for funding for our grant from the Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT).


January 2022: New lab members!

Graduate student Aleksandra Nielsen and undergraduate student Averi Perny (UT Dallas) have joined the lab! Aleks will be starting her graduate work studying tumor evolution, while Averi joins us as a Green Fellow this semester where she will be studying tumor grade classification.


October 2021: New Publication!

Tony’s paper has been published in Acta Neuro Communications! In this paper, we used deep learning approaches to identify and characterize disease-specific signals from different tauopathies in the white matter. We were able to show that these signals enabled a disease prediction accuracy at the same level as using grey matter data where canonical aggregates reside!